Off to a good start...
We had our first Schildberg Quarry meeting Wednesday night. There are eight of us so far, not counting Parks and Rec Director Roger Herring and Mayor Dave Jones. I don't know everyone's names yet so I wont list them, but it looks like a good group.
The first meeting was spent kicking around ideas, both long term and short term. The good news is we all seem to be on the same page, especially about being more concerned with action rather than sitting on a committee.
Some ideas that were discussed:
• Installing benches around the trail
• Planting more trees
• Providing a fenced area for dogs to run
• Putting out a couple of Porta-pottys
• Developing a long-term, multi-phase plan to make sure work is ongoing
Lots of good ideas were kicked around, and there was lots of good, positive, energy. I'm hopeful that this committee might actually make a difference.
Kudos to Mayor Dave Jones for moving ahead and to Roger Herring. Herring seems to be committed to the project and has already made plans for some improvements. FINALLY!
If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me, let's make this thing happen!